Friday, January 28, 2011

Drawer 4 - Week 4 - Done

Lots of room for...more gum! The inventory is below. This drawer also contains cough drops and throat lozenges - which are important tools because I depend so heavily on my voice for my "real job."
Now, the sugar packets. My husband brings those home because he takes extras when he buys coffee, just in case. Those went into the sugar area of the pantry. Some of the gum was o-l-d and so hard it could have caused a dental bill. The VIA coffees went to live with the rest of the coffee supply in a cupboard. The Trident is my favorite gum :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Drawer 4 - Week 4

Look! It's a mostly-gum drawer. Really. Oh boy. That's a lot of gum, and sugar! We actually like having a gum drawer, but the sugar packets need a different home and some of this gum may have turned into rock candy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drawer 3 - Week 3 - Done

Digging to the bottom of the dish towel drawer, I found napkins and seasonal dish towels that really don't need to "live" in this drawer by the sink. I also found some towels that were so ratty, I had to part with them.
I also had a "helper" for this project: Jazzy Kitty. She loves to catch a warm towel right out of the dryer and was misled into thinking this was a nesting place when she saw a pile of linens.
This is the drawer done. The seasonal towels were stored with other ones in a linen closet. These towels were organized by type: terry cloth, sack cloth and napkin-grade.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Drawer 3 - Week 3

Drawer 3 is another kitchen project: dish towels. This drawer is always crammed, and I suspect that hiding under the top layer are unneeded linens, or misplaced somethings. Inventory tomorrow.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Drawer 2 - Week 2 - Done

Well, the inventory for this kitchen gadget drawer includes quite a few duplicates and a couple of misplaced items. I scaled down to one rolling pin and one can opener. I had to keep both pizza cutters because the shark has strong sentimental value, and although he was just used over the weekend, the blade on the second cutter is thinner and works better for fine pastry projects. This drawer is right next to the stove, and a few regularly-used spatulas were missing because they were in the dishwasher. Additional regularly used cooking tools are in a container right next to the stove.
Here is the finished drawer. And while it looks rather empty, the idea is that these more commonly-used items will be easy to find. BUT this kitchen gadget drawer has an evil twin sister right next to her. One that's filled to the brim with more and more and more gadgets. It's on the organizing list for the week of Jan. 24. Extra items found in this drawer went into the ARC donation bag, by the way.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Drawer 2 - Week 2

I have two kitchen "gadget" drawers and they're equally messy! I'm pretty sure I don't NEED 3 rolling pins and 2 identical can openers. Do I? Stay tuned, I'll inventory the disaster tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Drawer 1 - Week 1 - Done

Whew! I don't know why I thought this would be an easy drawer to tackle for this year-long mission, because it wasn't. I decided to keep a couple of flashlights in the drawer because that's where they've always been and it is a handy location of all family members. Office basics are in the baskets. Label-maker in the back. And an extra garage door opener. Hmm. That doesn't really fit. I imagine it will get a better home during another drawer project this year.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Drawer 1 - Week 1

Plunging right in today on this year-long project to tackle 52 drawers, shelves and cupboards in 2011 - whether they be in the house, car or garage. Drawer 1 is a small drawer in the "office nook" in the kitchen. It's right next to the refrigerator. My first challenge: what exactly should this drawer's job be? I am going to make it a household office supply drawer. Above is all the things I emptied from the drawer and um...not many office supplies were to be found. It has turned into a catch-all drawer.
On my first pass at the contents, above are the items to be discarded. Mostly trash, except batteries go into the special battery disposal bag.

Here's what's left and these still aren't office supplies. I have household tools, furniture protectors, 4 flashlights, catnip, bracelets that are really cat toys, a planter hook, various nails, screws and brackets, measuring tape, padlock that I don't know the code for but I'm guessing my husband does, a travel alarm clock, hand-warmers, a cute little Paddington Bear from our trip to England a few years ago, a toothbrush for household cleaning, night light, hand lotion and some garden seeds are just some of the inventory. I guess a big part of this drawer reorganization is just getting items back to their proper be continued...